Lavish Gilli

Hi everyone! My name is Sam! And I specialize in Lash, Brow & Body Waxing Services! Below are some General Rules to help maintain a smooth and steady flow into and out of Lavish Gilli for all clientele throughout the day. You can also find Pre & Post Care Tips for new and established clients alike! As well as precautionary advisements based on various medical circumstances. While this may seem long, most of these rules are set in place to protect your appointment as well as any other client’s appointments after yours from inconveniences. I want to make sure everyone is properly catered to and no one’s time is cut short or interrupted due to others. Please read through, and if you have any questions feel free to contact me 🤍 🩷GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT🩵 - You must be 18 years of age or older to receive service. -You will have to provide government issued photo identification as proof of age to receive service. And the name on your photo ID must match the name you sign on your waiver. - Masks are no longer required, but will be available for those who may want/need them at no extra charge. However if you appear ill/contagious I do have the right to deny service. - There is a NON-REFUNDABLE/NON-TRANSFERABLE Deposit Fee for all appointments/services. -NCNS/No Call No Show fee is 75% of your service cost. - There is a 7 minute late policy. You must be in the salon suite and ready to be serviced by 7 minutes post your service start time or you will be charged a $15 Late Fee. **This includes restroom stops prior to service start. If you need to use the restroom please try to arrive early. Time spent in the restroom will count towards you being late to start your service. -If you are not in the Lavish Gilli salon suite by atleast 10 mins post your service start time your appointment will be cancelled and you will be considered a NCNS (NO CALL NO SHOW). - Refusal to pay the Late Fee will result in the cancellation of your appointment and you will be blocked from further booking. - Consistently late clients (3 times or more within a 6 month period) will not be allowed to rebook. No one likes to wait when they’re on time, so please be considerate of the clients booked after you. - Appointments cancelled within 24 hrs of the service date will be charged a “Late Cancellation Fee” through my GlossGenius Policy. Which is 75% of your service cost. -Emergency/Short Term Rescheduling (rescheduling within 24 hrs) is only allowed in cases of emergency ie; illness, accident or family emergencies and/or at my discretion only. You must be approved for a reschedule if it is within 24 hrs of your appointment. But please be aware that approval still forfeits your deposit. However you will not be charged a Late Cancellation Fee. *There is an approval limit of one per client. This is to avoid clients that may try to take advantage of this rule. - Additional services may only be added at my discretion when time and supplies permit. - Your remaining balance is to be paid in CASH or APPLE PAY - ONLY. You will not be allowed to go to the ATM after receiving service, so be sure to leave your departing location early to get cash if you do not have it on hand. And to avoid being late. *Not paying for a received service is considered theft. And you will be prosecuted. -NO CHILDREN & NO GUEST/GUESTS. - Be respectful. I do not tolerate disrespect. You will be asked to leave if I feel disrespected & charged a NCNS fee as well as Blocked from Booking with me in the future. - ALL services and products are NON-REFUNDABLE. - All product sales are final. No exchanges, returns or refunds. 🩷SERVICE PREREQUISITES 🩵 - You must be able to lay in the recommended positions during the time allotted for your service and/or switch positions unassisted. If you have trouble positioning yourself, laying on your back for periods longer than 15 mins and/or need assistance positioning yourself and/or body parts then this service is not recommended for you. I can not assist you and I will not assume liability for any injuries you may incur while you are being/are positioned. Please remember I have the right to and will discontinue a service if I believe it can not be performed safely and effectively. - Pictures/Videos/Media are NOT required for service. They are only taken with your consent. **Media Consent forms are provided for those who consent to picture/video/media. - No Picture/Video/Audio/Media recording by clients and/or patrons. **Pictures/Video/Audio/Media by clients or patrons are only allowed with my consent & review of said media. 🩷CONSENT FORMS🩵 - A completed and in-person signed Client Consent/ Waiver Form is required for all new clients prior to service. So please do your best to be on time, as it may take a few minutes to review and sign the waiver. - Established Clients (clients that have been serviced and completed Client Consent/Waiver forms atleast twice) will be sent their Client Consent/Waiver Form by e-mail atleast 48 hrs prior to service depending on when they booked. However most previously booked services will have their forms go out by e-mail on Monday each week. A reminder e-mail is sent by Wednesday. After Wednesday there are generally no more e-mail reminders depending on when you booked. - The Client Consent/Waiver must be completed, signed and sent in atleast 24 hrs prior to your service with NO errors. Failure to complete any consent/waiver forms correctly by the deadline will result in a Consultation being added to your service for you to fill out your form in suite and have me review your form and sign off on your form in person. A consultation is currently $10. Please take heed when I say this- it is best to send your form in well before the 24 hr deadline in case there are any errors and you need to be sent a new form to submit. Sending your form in early allows you more chances to submit a new form if your form has errors. You can resubmit as many as 3 forms. - However if your form is sent in the day prior to your service with errors, a consultation will be added to your service. And you will be sent ONE new form to resubmit by 4pm. If your resubmission has errors, your consultation will remain. If your resubmission is filled out correctly and has no errors, then and only then will your consultation will be removed. 🩷HYGIENE🤍 🤍& PRE/POST SERVICE ADVISEMENTS🩵 - Allow 3-4 weeks of consistent hair growth. No shaving, trimming or waxing within that time. Allow 6 weeks of growth for best results. ** I will not wax you if your hair is too short. This can lead to ingrown hairs. The integrity of your skin is my # 1 priority, not money. - Exfoliation is great prior to waxing, but do not physically exfoliate within the 24 hrs prior to your wax service. And absolutely no chemical exfoliation (Ex: Retinoids, AHA’s & BHA’s) 7-10 days prior to service, or atleast 3-4 weeks prior to service with prescription grade Retinoids, AHA’s & BHA’s. This applies to use on any part of the body, including areas that are not being serviced. - If receiving a facial wax service, please try to come without makeup on the area that is to be waxed. - Hydration is key. Drink lots of water and keep your skin moisturized. This makes for an easier waxing service. - It is recommended you not shower for atleast 24 hrs after a wax to avoid folliculitis amongst other adverse affects. Therefore I recommend you shower no less than 2 hrs prior to waxing. This works best for less downtime before your next shower. - Clean and loose fitted clothing are recommended prior to body waxing services. You do not want to cause any irritation to your skin after a wax. Clean skin and clothes also help in avoiding a post wax infection. - If your menstrual cycle has begun you must be wearing a fresh tampon or menstrual cup upon arrival to get waxed, and your vaginal area must be clean and clear of blood and/or discharge. - Tampons are provided, but everyone’s body is different and has different reactions. So I always recommend you bring your own preferred brand of choice. Using the tampons provided are completely at your own discretion. And I nor, Lavish Gilli will be held liable for any adverse reactions to your useage of said product. - Wipes will be provided for use to clear your labia/pelvic area of any discharge. As well your anal area of any possible fecal matter. ** I provide Water Wipes & Zandi Land Kitty Wipes which are recommended for sensitive skin, but you are welcome to bring your own wipes. Either way you are advised to clean and clear the labia area prior to every pelvic wax service. This is advised to all clients whether your menstrual cycle has begun or not. Using the wipes provided are at your own discretion and I, nor Lavish Gilli are liable for any adverse reactions after your useage of said product. - If you have any possible signs/symptoms of an infection/STD you MUST reschedule your appointment until you are able to see a doctor and receive treatment and/or symptoms subside. - If there are any possible signs of an infection/STD during service I will and am legally required by law to end the service immediately and have you reschedule your appointment until after you’ve been treated/the symptoms have cleared. ** This means if I see anything questionable I will and have the right to end the service whether you believe you have an infection/STD related symptoms or not. If/when a service is ended there will not be a refund and you will still be charged for the full service booked. ** Please do not try to seek/receive service while knowingly having an infection/STD. You will be permanently blocked if I find that you have intentionally put me and/or my clients at risk. - It is recommended and best to avoid sexual contact for atleast 48 hrs post wax. - If you are a diabetic, are on any blood thinners, and/or are immunocompromised you can not receive waxing services. These are contraindications of waxing, therefore it is medically advised that you not receive waxing services for your own safety. NO EXCEPTIONS. - If you have any skin conditions that result in lesions, blisters and/or broken skin/wounds you must receive a written doctor’s approval for service. Please be advised that waxing/esthetic services can cause flare ups for certain skin conditions. So you must have your doctor clear you to begin/receive services. ***Please keep in mind that once approved by a doctor I can not legally wax you during a flare up and/or if the skin appears compromised. And I do reserve the right to deny service should I feel the skin’s integrity is compromised or appears to have any contraindications in regards to waxing. - Relax 🤍 9 times out of 10 you’re nervous for absolutely nothing. And most services are done within 15 mins or less. So relax and get comfortable. I’m here to talk you through every step of the process if needed. All policies and advisements are in place to provide a smooth flowing service for you and me, as well as any clients I may be seeing after you during the day. I very much look forward to seeing you and providing you with a GREAT experience. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns you may have. You will receive a separate confirmation e-mail atleast 24 hrs prior to your appointment. It may arrive earlier. It is very important that you read this e-mail prior to your appointment. See you soon!

Business Hours

10 AM - 5 PM
10 AM - 3 PM
10 AM - 1:30 PM

Cancellation Policy

We get it that sometimes things come up and you may need to cancel. Lavish Gilli has a 75% cancellation fee. If you are unable to make the appointment, please kindly notify Lavish Gilli at 0000000000 or as soon as possible to reschedule.